Titlul proiectului: Translating Stem Cell Technologies To The Conservation Of
Highly Endangered Species (2012-2015)
Programul: PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-1336
Cod proiect: CONSENS 120/2012
Echipa de cercetare: Universitatea de Medicina și Farmacie " Victor Babeş " Timișoara (România) -coordonator; Stațiunea de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Creșterea Bovinelor Dancu (România) -partener; Stațiunea de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Creșterea Bovinelor Arad (România) -partener; Universitatea de Științe Agronomice și Medicină Veterinară București (România) -partener; Semtest-Bvn S.A. Tg. Mureș (România) -partener.
Director / Responsabil de proiect: Conf. dr. Vasile Băcilă/Prof. dr. Livia Vidu -USAMV București.
Membrii echipei de cercetare: Conf. dr. Vasile Băcilă, Prof. dr. Livia Vidu, Prof. dr. Tăpăloagă Paul
Rezumat: The last local cattle breed in Romania, the Grey Steppe (Sura de Stepa) breed is included by FAO in the endangered-maintained category. To avoid further loss of this important genetic material, we should engage in an effective management of farm animal genetic resources and include it among our conservation priorities. So far, storage of semen, embryos, ovaries, oocytes, and somatic cells have been considered for the conservation of genetic diversity. Uniquely, the cluster we proposed joins together a research team with considerable experience in human stem cell research to a network of bovine research stations, veterinary medicine academic department and commercial company specialized in cryopreservation and cattle reproductive techniques, to achieve the translation of stem cell technologies to the cryoconservation and preservation of genetic diversity of a valuable indigenous endangered species, followed by implementing, monitoring and administrating a gene bank for the ex situ conservation of the Grey Steppe cattle breed of the Moldavian variety.
Website: www.consens-cercetare.ro